Quality & Quantity

Provide your team the tools to update Salesforce quickly, easily and most importantly, accurately to rapidly scale your Salesforce data hygiene.
Set your own data bar.

Data entry was previously inconsistent between reps. Some take the time to write the real story whilst others try to get away with short or even one-word answers. Ensure that you maintain the level of notes across the team without pulling the reps away from selling.

Let your customers do the forecasting.

Customers are the only people who know whether they’re going to close or not. Comtura will pull suggestions of key moments in conversation to embed within Salesforce. Especially the little details and finer points of conversation that’s often missed by reps. Make sure you get the whole picture with Comtura.

People, Product, Profit.

Fill your CRM with rich and accurate data. Share it with other departments like marketing to generate new content. Improve the product by seeing which features come up in conjunction with your prospects the most regularly. Drive positive process change and build superior products through better data.

Consistency means revenue

Define what steps you want each rep to take after the call with templates.

Artificial Intelligence

Comtura uses Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), NLU (Natural Language Understanding) and Rulesets to identify what’s important to you and your team. This removes human error or deal bias to give you data quality leading to higher conversions.


See what reps are taking longer, writing poorer quality notes which leads to data hygiene, poor forecasting and ultimately poor training. Fix your data before it touches the CRM. Spend less time on deal inspections and pipeline reviews.

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Make your admin extinct today and stop being a dinosaur!
Get started with Comtura today and start winning more deals, making better business decisions and create better processes.

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